
Once you sign the lease agreement, you are legally obligated to make all payments as outlined in the agreement.

How to Make Payments

Personal Check

If you mail a check, you are responsible for the timely delivery of the payment to a designated address.  While statistics show that more than 99% of mail sent standard delivery through the U.S. Postal Service is successfully delivered, you are responsible if the check is not delivered on time or at all.  (Occasionally, some tenants have chosen to send payments via certified mail or FedEx.)

Electronic Money Transfer

If you choose to make an electronic payment, you must be able to initiate transactions through your own financial institution and/or payment service (and you will be responsible for any charges imposed by your financial institution and/or payment service).  We will make arrangements with you if you choose to make electronic payments.

We do not accept credit card payments.

Timing of Payments

Whichever payment method you choose, the payment is due on the FIRST DAY OF THE MONTH.  Any payment received after that date will be marked as a late payment.  If we do not receive payment by 5 pm on the second day of the month, you will automatically be charged a late payment fee of $75.  (Late fees are due immediately.  Any unpaid late fees will be deducted from your security deposit.)

Tenants who do not pay the rent and late fee immediately following the one-day grace period will receive a Three Day Notice to Pay Rent or Quit, which begins the eviction process.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.